Wednesday, July 22, 2009

portions for foxes

my summer history class is basically half way over! hoorayyy
i should be getting an A. well at this moment and time in the class, that is how i picture it coming out. and let's keep it that way! it's not as bad as i thought, though the reading can get tedious at times. i bring that upon myself, however, since i take notes while i read. it slows me down tremendously but it helps greatly when it is time to study for the exam.

time to cross a couple things off my summer list again
well, they both got partially accomplished but hey, i'll take it!

1. Go to Hilltop Park in Signal Hill
this was only partially accomplished because when we arrived, it was after 10 so there was a cop blocking the road to actually park near the park and we sat at a different spot. it gave us a nice city view but wasn't actually where i wanted to go! oh well, next time, we will take the adventure to the park earlier in the day. maybe watch the sunset and the city begin to illuminate.

47. Boiling Crab & Joe's Crab Shack & Crab Pot
as for this goal, i only went to boiling crab so far. it was delish though! a pound of shrimp and cajun fries. quite delectable if i do say so! i can't believe people stand outside to wait for the restaurant to open. crazy people, though i was one of them too. i'm excited for my next visit there, sometime in the near future.

i want to learn how to surf! kelsey told me earlier that i should find someone who will let me borrow their wetsuit so i can go with her. the problem is...i cannot think of anyone i know that would have one fitting for me! boooo :( i know i would probably crash and burn in the water millions of times but i still want to make an attempt! you have to go so early in the morning though. she's going at 630 with scott, mash, mike, and swiss guy mark. i don't know if i could wake up at 55o to get ready for intense waves crashing into my body! maybe soon though. as for today, i will be catching some much desired zzz's while they are in the pacific ocean! one day, i'll just go with them and just sit on a board with kelsey unless mash teaches her and she becomes pro soon! then she can teach me too yay!

time for today's fun fact of the dayyyy
in 1895, the speed limit in NY was 8 mph. my goodness, that is so slow in today's world! but looking back, they didn't have fast sport cars or engines that can go from 0 to 60 in a matter of a few seconds. so i guess 8 mph would be a reasonable pace for the type of transportation that was normal in that era.

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