Thursday, July 16, 2009


mmm, i'm so tired right now and it's not even 9 yet! what is up with that?
well i have been waking up much earlier than i normally would for various reasons. monday, i woke up early to run! that was a fail though because we only ended up running a mile and then resting at anna's house for about 2 hours. it was incredibly hot and toasty! then tuesday, rose out of bed to finally volunteer at the VA hospital. it was somewhat boring, especially the first hour because we got no phone calls at the escort service center. but once that second hour came around, BAM! we received calls left and right. so the time passed by much quicker then. wednesday, i woke up early to go running with tiffany but then she couldn't go anymore so i went back to sleep. yayyy! and today, woke up to go volunteer again. today, we manned front desks even though we severely lacked the knowledge to assist very many people. i felt really bad because we would end up saying, "...uh, i don't know..." horrible! we need to get trained for that sort of thing. however, instead we just get thrown into the pool like a kid that doesn't know how to swim, struggling to stay afloat!

but anyways, i can cross some things off my summer list again! yayyyyyy (:

10. Irvine Spectrum
13. Volunteer at the VA hospital in Long Beach
21. Shaved ice from Guppy's
27. Disneyland summer fun pass
(well, i didn't get a pass but i did go to disneyland!)

it has been an eventful and busy week so far. this summer has been great so far. let's hope it continues on this path! and now, time to read for my summer history class. oh so joyful!

here's today's fun fact of the day!
children grow faster in the spring. hmmm, how interesting! i wonder why that is. it's like kids are equivalent to flowers, since they tend to bloom in the spring time. maybe i will look into that later.

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