Sunday, May 31, 2009

do you have a first aid kit handy?

well right now i am failing at working on my paper. seriously failing D:
but i think im gonna take a shower and then WORK! yes i will do it
ive been procrastinating so much this quarter. its no buenooooo
idk why! i guess since its so close to summer. i need to work hard to finish off this school year right though! i cant believe im not gonna be a freshman in college anymore in a week and a half. freaking intense mannn. time is seriously flying by. its kinda frightening actually.
alas, the real world is slowly approaching and living life completely independent of anyone is awaiting. ohhh boy. i dont think im ready for it yet but thats okay because i still have timeee !

alrighttttty, i really need to shower.
so its that time again - the fun fact of the day!

women blink about twice as much as men. that is why we never win staring contests :( its not our fault! we're just made that wayy, so guys should let us win haha (:

extraordinary desserts

is oh so delicious! i love desserts. too bad they are overpriced there. its nice to go there once in a while though. got the frasier triple berry torte with kelsey wonggg! yummmmy
the pinkberry we went to beforehand was pretttty. i liked the outside of it! it was very artsy and such. i want a place that artsy and cool like that one day for a home.

anywhoo, i hear the weird people outside, talking in loud high pitched voices. thank goodness this year is almost over and i wont have to deal with their strange sounds and actions anymore. woooties (:

so today was a pretty boring day for the most part. it was so gloomy and rainy outside. its preposterous! its almost june and yet its dark and drizzling outside. this is not how it should be right now. its upsetting lol i want my sun! clear skies! warmth! ohhh fall/winter weather is nice but not for this time of year. i hope mother nature stops pms-ing soon so the weather can return to its normal state!

i have the urge to start playing the piano more, especially in the summer. i will do it. HOPEFULLY. and maybe get better at the guitar too while im at it! but i need someone to change the strings for my guitar :( they have been broken for several months now. oh so saaad. it must feel neglected. but that will change soon enough! once i buy new strings and get a friend to change them for me :]

yayyyyyyy for blogging. i like this. its calming.
to end, heres the fun fact of the day!

Sony's first product ever was an electric rice cooker!
interesting. you would think it was the walkman or some other electronic device

Saturday, May 30, 2009

i was hiding under the porch

because i love you!
or something like that. i am the WORST when it comes to remembering quotes from movies.
but anyways, UP was a cute movie
im glad i saw it (:
those kids in the theater though we so annoying. there were like 239483 of them sitting all together and laughing really loud and crap like that so it was hard to hear some of the dialogue sometimes. however, besides that, i did it enjoy the film! and the short beforehand was cute as well with the storks and clouds

im tired once again. nothing new
so i think thats all for todayyyyy

fun fact of the day!
q-tip cotton swabs were originally named "baby gays" by their inventor, leo gerstenzang

Friday, May 29, 2009

did you know

that a ball of glass bounces higher than a ball of rubber?!
intense! i wanna try that one day
wouldnt it seem logical that the ball of glass would shatter on impact with the ground? or at least crack, but i guess notttt
thank you to snapple for that fact (:
but why do they put the quotations around the word 'real?'
does it mean that its not actually true? false advertisement! what a shame.
but i think i will still believe their "real" facts because they are cool. and i cannot prove them wrong at the moment.

anywhooo, im tired of studying. so im gonna sleep soon. that is all for now!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

let's go

cavssssssss lets go!
woooo so they are up by 22 points as i write this blog.
they better keep this up! or i will be sad
i wanna see a lakers/cavs showdown in the finals
that would be so exciting!

i just wanted to say that (:
well i gotta study for my musicaaaa quiz
i feel like its not sticking as well as it did for the first quiz and midterm
no bueno! but hopefully after the several hours i will put into it later, i will be knowledgeable in romantic, modern, and jazz music.

fun fact of the day!
elephants are the ONLY animals that cant jump
poor things!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


so i just finished some wonderful chem lab hw
wooties for me!
now i gotta study for my music quizzz thats on friday. hopefully i will do better this time since i wasnt fully prepared for the first one D:

today was pretty boring! i was in my room for a majority of today, listening to music from the romantic and modern periods. oh so exciting isnt it?! of course it is...

there are exactly 2 weeks left until its officially summer time. oh mannnnnnnn im so EXCITED
relaxing, eating, doing nothing, traveling, being with friends, and summer school! well not so joyful about the summer school part but i need to do it. i really want to do some volunteering too if im gonna get into the medical field for sure. its scary thinking about that. lets not for right now!

later, i think im gonna make a list of things i wanna accomplish during the summer. i doubt i will actually follow it but its worth a try

well im gonna stop with this now cuz i need to STUDYYYY, my favorite pasttime. isnt it yours?

fun fact of the day!
when your face blushes, the inside lining of your stomach turns red as well.

cold day

its so cold right now
whyyyyy?! i wore my boots today. those should be worn during the fall and winter, not late springg
it should be at least...10 degrees warmer im guessing
overcast skys are good for the fall but its almost summer! i want my summer weather
well not too hot though please (:

did you know that you have phosphorous in your urine? mmmmmm tasty huh?

well the muir 50 paper is whatever to me. i dont really care for it anymore but i would like to get a B! as long as i get that final grade i will be content with myself. hopefully i can get As in all my other classes to balance it out since i didnt do as well as i would have liked last quarter. 8 days of school left including today! and then 2 finals and then JUNE 10th = summer! after i finish my chem final at 8 AM


guitar concert had a cute guy named scooter !
too bad i didnt actually meet him
im guessing hes mixed, part japanese and something else because he didnt look fully asian

im missing the past again. just knowing that i could have you to talk to. it was really nice. and i wish i could feel that once more. and that this friendship was actually working and real.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

its official

im the last single girl left out of the group of 4 other girls that im gonna be living with next year.
it makes me somewhat sad because now im starting to feel lonely D:
no buenooooooooo
i dont wanna feel like that!
freaking gayyy

well theres nothing i can really do about it though. unless i throw myself onto some guy HAHA which is something i would never do so im just gonna go with the flow. maybe summer will be better ? who knows

im trying to volunteer this summer at a hospital and i sent an email to the UCI medical center last night and i got a phone call today from a lady whos a part of that. she told me tell her a little about myself and i dont think i made a good impression. i was surprised they called so i didnt know what to say! but then she sent me an email with the info for it and they said they are all full already and they wont get any open spots until mid-august. thats only a month before i come back down here to SD though! so that sounds like its not gonna work out
i was thinking of volunteering at the VA hospital in long beeeeeach. i should call and get on that!

i havent typed that out in forever. its my phrase for when im bored.
except i need to work on my essay which i think i will get back to now
that is all for now.


i believe i will keep this blog as a way to vent
yesssssss, because venting is good and i do it well when writing it out. i suck at expressing my feelings verbally
im trying to work on that but i havent had much practice lately
so i will continue to write in hereeee

i should really work on my essay boooo :(
but instead im writing in here! FAIL

anywho, time to listen to more modern music for la clase de musicaaaaa

Monday, May 25, 2009


well i just got back from eating and we were at an asian restaurant.
there were fortune cookies given to us at the end of course and guess what mine said?!

"devotion will make you feel more complete"

and on the back, it teaches you how to say chinese words and mine was how to say "boyfriend" in chinese

my friend and i just laughed at how perfect the timing was because we had just talked about how i was basically the last single girl left! and there was the conversation from this weekend. oh man, this is some sort of sign. maybe something good will happen soon and im gonna meet a great guy but i dont know how that will come about. but maybe this fortune will actually come true. im keeping it safe in my wallet !


here is the first blog
i dont even know if im gonna actually keep this thing or not
i just made it randomly !

anywho, there are two and a half weeks lefttttt
quite exciting if i do say so (:

something that came up this weekend that bothered me occurred on saturday while eating lunch with friends
one of them asked why they havent heard any stories of any guys besides the ultimate CREEPER with the initials PP. LOL
then i stupidly said that almost all my friends have bfs and then all the guys looked at me with this strange look. i dont know how to explain it really. it was like a sign that i was in trouble because i dont have a boyfriend right now.
well the reason i dont have any stories of guys or an actual boyfriend is because i havent met anyone that has caught my attention or that i am attracted to. sure, ive met guys that are cool but i just see them as a friend. i guess part of it is also because i like actually getting to know a person before diving into a relationship and thats not how it works here in college most of the time. i also have to realllllly like this guy before i would go out with him too and that takes time!
ugh, its just frustrating. its weird to think that ive been single for almost a year now. but its not really that strange since ive only had a boyfriend for about 6 months total anyways. having a significant other is quite nice but its not necessary for me. but i wouldnt mind meeting someone in the near future! haha (:

wow that looks really longggg. well time for dinner and more HOMEWORK
yayyyyy -_______-